things are so normal

So this pregnancy is going very normal from my point of view.  My wife goes to her doctors appointments, she tells me when the baby is dancing in her tummy, and can't sleep much of the night -- just like all the other pregnancies she's had.  Just because kaylen has down syndrome doesn't mean there isn't going to be a lot of normal stuff along with the challenging stuff. 

I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that the birth will probably be a pretty standard birth with doctors, nurses, some really tight hand squeezing and some loud animal-like noises.  My wife will probably engage in some loud noise making as well.  I doubt kaylen is going to be born with a tail and fangs, and there probably won't be any members of men in black in attendance. 

lately I've been thinking that like all the other pregnancies it's real but it's not real.  it's difficult to wrap your mind around a coming baby until the little one actually gets here and then you get schmucked up side the face with reality.  No matter how much I try, no matter how much we talk about it, and no matter how much information we process regarding downs, its not going to really hit me until kaylen shows up and screams at me.  We've got two months to go and when the contractions start then I'll probably start having hear palpitations and anxiety and then to the hospital we'll go.  True there are some things different:  kim has to see a specialist obgyn; we'll need to have the baby at a different hospital that has a nicu; we'll have to do some pre-planning and preparing based on different birth scenarios.   all in all it's as God intended it -- the birth of a child. 


stay kewl


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