Injuries and my kids

So, my back is still killing me.  just to the left of my spine on my hip there's this great pinching feeling and it causes my left calf muscle to tightening and at times spasm.  I think this one is permanent regardless of my ability to keep lifting and training -- yes, I'm having it assessed.

last night I was trying to zercher squat and as soon as I unracked the bar, my back, in the spot described above said, "mmm, NOT TODAY!!"  I actually listened and re-racked the bar.  Now, normally I would have fought through it and kept lifting and dealt with the pain later but part of my thought was, "I can't get disabled because I have three kids and a baby with downs on the way.  I need to be there for them."  I was also really angry I couldn't do the lift.

the information that kaylen has down syndrome has really changed how I process and think about stuff -- like a chronic injury.  I can't just get injured and sit around for the rest of my life while my wife takes care of everything.  Children need a mother and father and need to see them actively engaged in the family; for some reason Kaylen's diagnosis has really hit that point home harder than usual.

It's interesting by many of the issues coming up around Kaylen and her DS diagnosis are issues parents should be considering with all children.  things like being well informed so you can speak cogently with your pediatrician; things like understanding your child so well that you become the expert and teach your pediatrician about your child and their uniqueness; things like having patience and providing a thorough, nurturing environment.

just think what the world would be like if parents invested so much into all children.  See kaylen's already acting as my teacher, reminding me of stuff I knew intellectually but could put into deeper practice.

stay kewl



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