Jung was only a partial idiot

Yes, so today I turn forty years old.  Carl Jung said that life begins at forty.  I interpret this to mean that a person finally figures out how little they know and develops the ability to learn and enjoy life.  we stop living in such a reactionary mode and start using our experiences in a purposeful, rational manner to really live life.

this is why I'm really glad that Kaylen waited 'til I was forty to show up; if she would've been born when I was 28 instead of my oldest son, it probably would've have been a very bad time.  I thought I knew everything; had a massive ego; and there was no way I was going to have a child which I perceived to be imperfect.  If I would have I probably would have held a grudge against God, gotten all bent outta shape, been really bitter, and spent most of the time not being very nice to kaylen. 

Thank God for turning forty.

life at 40, for me, kinda turns into a big episode of Blue's Clues.  Now I'm smart enough to actually recognize a clue to living, when I see one.

here's clue number !:

there's nothing worth getting bent out of shape about.  It won't change anything and it'll probably make things worse.

Corollary to clue 1:

the more you embrace the good, bad, and ugly of life with faith, rationality, and passion the more it's all good.

Even in matters of social justice and righteous anger, getting chaotically and emotionally bent out of shape accomplishes nothing.  rational purpose and critical thinking powered by righteous passion are far more effective for facilitating change.

So once again, thank God for forty, and that he thought enough of me to allow me to get a glimpse of wisdom once in awhile.

Stay strong


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